What We Do
We help you focus on what matters, both now and into the future.
Sustain your Advantage
Leadership: Go on an Aperture™ Journey

Aperture is a leadership development framework of five modules, giving a 360-degree
perspective of leadership.
The modules can be taken separately or together and run at three levels of depth:
Executive overview
Masterclasses with coaching
Workplace integration including interludes, coaching and certification*
*Certification is a year long process done through Institute of Leadership in UK.
1. The agile, emotionally intelligent leader
Future-fit leadership, built off proven frameworks. We’ll use assessments to better understand personality and work gearing.
2. Leadership in action
Convergence of character, role mastery and team alignment.
3. Strategy and Execution
Moving the business from current state, to desired future state. Unlocking the value of high-performance teams across the business.
4. Re-envisioning transformation
Tackling why most transformational, change-management and cultural programmes fail within businesses.
5. Leading Innovation in context
Creating applicable solutions for the future today.

2. Focus your Teams: Calibrate for High Performance

Starts with developing a relationship of trust between a leader and the members of the team.
Uncover the:
work gearing
…of each team member to build cohesion.
Focusing on the:
…to deliver on-time and within budget.
​Teams who set their own goals, work synergistically and look after wellbeing tend to have higher morale and deliver beyond expectation.
Capacitate Teams to Deliver Consistently
3. Experience an Interlude™

Experience Innovation and Apply Change
Some things are best experienced, rather than read or spoken about.
Interludes™ are bespoke immersions that focus on well-being, collaboration and innovation. They may include a customer or ESG lens. From "bucket-list" experiences to mindful strategic reviews and team integration breakaways, these unique business experiences feature executive coaching, deep conversation with executive peers and strategic networking.
Staying within the boundaries of our office or home will not expose us to innovation in other industries, or fresh perspectives. With "always-on" access, most people problem-solve without accessing diverse networks or pioneering case studies. Digital learning also comes with an "online penalty" of increased "back-to-back" scheduling, prolonged working hours and a need to respond to messages instantly.
Allowing real-time exposure to pioneering people, places and products, along with networking and strategic reflection has a strong business case. These "concrete experiences" improve engagement, trust, problem-solving and personal mastery. Alternatives might be cheaper, but consume more time and are not perceived as rewarding by employees. Investing in off-site business experiences pays its own dividends.
Local or International: Multi-site Immersions take you to where global pioneers are ahead of the curve, living the future now. Connecting with them in person challenges us to re-shape our own environment and builds networks of substantial depth. We heartily recommend Interludes™ in Rwanda, Mauritius, Singapore, Japan and Dubai, but will find unique learning through our partners, from Cape Town to California.
Focused People has:
•Coached 350+ executives
•Trained 7000+ leaders to self-sustain change
•In 21+ countries; across 20+ industries